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Ideas & Enhancements
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 2, 2022

Neos provider address and phone numbers get lost if "Type" is more than 20 characters

You hit save, get internal server error, have to go hunting to see what is preventing the save from working. Then if you close the provider without fixing it first you lose the data.

We use the phone and address "Type" a lot for clients who move around a lot or change phone numbers. If Neos wants 20 characters, don't let us go over 20 characters in first place. And/or give us an error message that directs us to which field to fix. When you're on the phone with someone trying to get their contact info down accurately in the system, you can't be counting out 20 characters.

Needles 5 would stop you from putting more than 20 characters in the "type" field for a phone number or address, which forced you to fit the info you're trying to convey before moving on to next field.

Adapting to Neos, can be hard to tell which things are human error and which are program, this is 100% a design thing that should be made more ergonomic and prevent you from losing data.

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