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Ideas & Enhancements

Needles 5.0

Showing 2705 of 2705

Ability to bulk edit party in documents

I want the ability to "bulk action" --> "edit" the "Party" field for multiple documents. Now, we can only bulk edit the date, category, type, and staff created. Why is this feature so limited to those 4 random fields? We should be able to bulk ...
Guest over 1 year ago in  1

Calendar Bulk Actions - Add Option to Duplicate calendar entry

If the organizer no longer works for the firm, we can no longer modify the entry. The ability to copy the calendar information into a new entry would save the user time of reproducing everything. Also giving the user the ability to modify the orga...
Guest over 1 year ago in  2

Neos - Rename 'Add Message' to 'Send Message'

When clicking the plus sign in the left band, it would be more intuitive if the 'Add Message' button read 'Send Message' - especially given the new message screen reads 'Send New Message'
Guest over 3 years ago in Messages 1

Paragraph Feature in Intake Layout should be added to Case layouts

It would be beneficial if you could use the add paragraph text feature from the new intake layouts in the case tab layouts as well. So that if we can add in a script or instructions on each case tab.
Guest almost 3 years ago in  1

Open cases in New Tab or Window

It would be very helpful to be able to open cases in new tabs or windows to they can be viewed side-by-side instead of only being able to view one case at a time. Sometimes there are cases that are related that we want to view at the same time or ...
Guest over 1 year ago in  2

Include "Case Name" field in the Message layout

It would be helpful to include Case Name field in the New Message layout as there may be one client for several cases and it would help to identify to which case the message relates.
Guest 11 months ago in  0

Mention Staff within Document Notes

Would like the ability to @[staff-user] within the Notes section of a case document. This will allow users to help bring attention to a specific document within a case for review.
Guest over 1 year ago in  0

Add option to email from a case (similar to sending a message from a case), without having to include a document.

We would like to be able to send an email from a case, without needing to send a document in order to do so.
Guest over 1 year ago in  0

DocuSign - Additional Recipients

The ability to add signers that are not affiliated with the case. You can do that in DocuSign but not through NEOS. For example, when we need the attorney on the case to sign the retainer agreement after the client signs, we need to add them as a ...
Guest over 1 year ago in  0

Neos: Ability to mass update checklist items

Sometimes the Checklist Summary can become overwhelming to have to go through one by one to mark items Done or N/A, respectively. Advanced Search is nice for mass update, but would be easier to be able to mark these checklist items as Done or N/A ...
Guest over 3 years ago in  0